On Saturday 13 November 2004 16:37, Joe Polk wrote:
I know this isn't a SuSE problem, but I'm lost. I tried to install the NVidia driver with YOU and that went all wrong. So I reverted back to a saved XF86Config. Weird thing is, now all my bookmarks are gone in Firefox! The rest of my profile (desktop, etc.) are fine. Everthing I'm reading says Firefox bookmarks are kept in your firefox/defaults/profile/bookmarks.html file, but that file has nothing. And my old firefox (pre v.1 release) folder also has a bookmarks.html file but it looks generic. Could they be somewhere else?
Can't help with the Firefox thing but read this and do it. It works. ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/X/XFree86/nvidia-gfx-AMD64-HOWTO#020suse92 In a nutshell. Download NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6629-pkg1.run sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6629-pkg1.run -q sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!) You have to do this every time you upgrade the kernel or upgrade SuSE. During the driver compile you will get an error about another video driver being in place and the NVIDIA driver not working. Ignore it. It is taken care of by the sax2 step. Hope this helps. john