From: "Carlos E. R." <> Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 13:58:29 +0100 (CET) To: SLE <> Subject: [SLE] TV spool
Is there a program in Linux, that allows me to save the TV stream to a file, then watch that file somewhat later, at the same time you are saving the program?
There are hardware boxes that do this. You know, you are watching a program, somebody phones you, so you press a key, and later you continue watching from the point you stopped, while the box continues saving the rest of the program that is still on air.
But to do that on a PC, in Linux?
Software TiVo. That would be pretty sweet. I don't know of a software product that does this now...but TiVo does run linux, so if you could grab one of its drives, mount it, and find the binaries....hmmm....