Mount /media/dvd cp -rap /media/dvd /export/nfs/suse-dvd Modify /etc/exports That should get you exported NFS media but how would you now YAST update it to the Latest and greatest?? or your saying install via NFS then once installed YasT update the machine? Kinda would suck of that was the case and you were installing 20+ servers... wouldn't ya say? ;-) Hopefully there is a way to update the NFS export or something? Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: "James Knott" <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:20 AM Subject: Re: [SLE] Difference between cd and dvd's ?
Elijah Savage wrote:
This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
No it's not strange. The DVD has more stuff on it, than the CDs. Yast can't install stuff it can't find. However, what you can do, is mount the DVD on another system and use NFS to access it. You can then update the Yast installation source, to use that share. If you can spare the space, you can also copy the entire DVD onto your hard drive and update Yast accordingly.
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