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Hi Oddball et al,
On Friday, July 06, 2012 10:58:36 AM Oddball wrote:
I am using 12.1 on an eeepc seashell.
KDE 4.7.2
After switching desktops a few times, or after wake up from sleep, icons
are gone from apps and panel.
The functionality is still there, when hovering it shows, but the icons
are gone.
Is there a way to make this behavior stop?
(it is not nice when your candy gets stolen.. ;-)
Try this:
#1 right click anywhere on the desktop
#2 click on folder view settings
#3 on the left side of the settings window click on view
#4 make sure that "view" is set to "Folder view"
#5 click ok or apply
This should bring back your icons
Hope this helps,
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