Digs, chill. :-) There are people on the list that "may" be able to help you install afterall. If you want help, you might give as many details on your failure as possible, such as error messages and what alternatives you tried. Also, give details on your hardware, such as cdrom, drives, cpu, ram, etc. Or, just ignore this post. On Sun, 20 Dec 1998, digs wrote:
First- let me me say I'am very mad..
I was given a corrupt cdrom that will not install I was promised another copy and have not recieved it.. I was told I would have my new copy by 12/18/98
Before you assume I dont know how to install or otherwise use Linux/Unix you are wrong.
The fact is I own and operate a small bussines and had been using Slackware and staroffice for my invoicing needs.
Should you choose not to respond today 12/21/98 I will take you to small claims court for the amount of my purchase.
I have tried upwards of 15 times to conntact you during bussiness hours.
Invoice Number:0007071 Custmer Id: XSAN100 Sales Rep Id: SETE01
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