<ADDRESS>Title: <STRONG>fonts...</STRONG></ADDRESS> <FONT SIZE=2>Hello,</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>I know they're awfully simple questions, but:</FONT> </P> <FONT SIZE=2>can I recompile the kernel as for Pentium, as I have a K6-2 3D? Has anybody already tried?</FONT> </P> <FONT SIZE=2>how can I change fonts of xterm from fvwm2?</FONT> </P> <FONT SIZE=2>how can I add a scrollbar to the windows?</FONT> </P> <FONT SIZE=2>I can't explain why some files compiling on OW Sun, are not working under my linux. I compiled with gcc and I get no errors, but no object files!!!</FONT></P> <FONT SIZE=2>Any help is welcome!</FONT> </P> <FONT SIZE=2>best regards,</FONT> </P> <FONT SIZE=2>Stefano Papini</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF="mailto:stefano.papini@intercai.etnoteam.it">mailto:stefano.papini@intercai.etnoteam.it</A></FONT> </P>