On Tuesday 02 October 2001 11:16 pm, J. Drews wrote:
Hello Martin:
I don't think what I said was completely subjective. Here are some of the SuSE SDB articles documenting problems with 7.x nVIDIA configuration. On Tuesday 02 October 2001 01:57 pm, you wrote: From the SuSE SDB
2) nVIDIA cards sometimes causes hang on logout.
Console is black / black console by system reboot/shutdown (SuSE 7.1) http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/blackconsole.html
3) Certain applications, when run on an nVIDIA card, like Gtulpas and Xmms cause serious crashes.
by launching some programs, like xmms the GUI turns black http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/wengel_glx_nv.html (SuSE 7.0) Continuing problems with Nvidia (SuSE 7.0) http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/nvidialong.html
4) You may not be able to return to your original session after switching to a virtual console.
5) Certain applications that use anti aliased fonts (GV) do not work properly, if an nVIDIA card is installed.
6) nVIDIA drivers are not part of the SuSE distribution; you have to download them and install them. A kernel patch is also required.
want to exchange the "Dummy nVidia packages" with the current packages from the nVidia ftp server. (SuSE 7.2) http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/nvidia_geforce3.html
I'm not quite sure what your point is. You can search the SDB on ATI, Diamond, Matrox etc. and yield just as many entries for them. If you'd used the SDB when you originally experienced problems with nVidia-based cards maybe you wouldn't be so negative about them now. M -- Martin Webster <mwebster@ntlworld.com> Registered Linux User #230322 http://homepage.ntlworld.com/spider-monkey/