Hi With all the problems and bugs following the release of the latest OpenSUSE 10.1. I find it hard to believe that I am the only one, who would find it pertinent, to ask a question for the upcoming OpenSUSE Status Meeting 2006-05-30. Last Status Meeting was cancelled because of lack of feedback from the community. I know Status Meetings are supposed to deal with the future of OpenSUSE. But I feel that we have arrived at a roadblock that demands our attention. Discussing what cool features we should be adding in 10.2 doesn't quite seem appropriate. Come on people! This will never work if we don't work together! Go to http://en.opensuse.org/Meetings/Status_Meeting_2006-05-30 and post your queries. NOW! -- Regards Kenneth Aar PS: Sorry if I seem full of myself but I really want this distro to reach it's potential.