You _may_ have a separate terminator for the device end of your SCSI cable. If you _do not_ have a separate terminator then you _must_ have your tape device terminated at the end of your SCSI cable. Your SCSI controller will also terminate it's end of the SCSI cable. If you _do_ have a separate terminator make sure that is at the end of your SCSI cable past the last device and leave your tape drive unterminated. I misunderstood what you meant by "Power Term" and "Termination" in your first post. You may need to enable "Power Term" on your SCSI tape drive but leave "Termination" disabled. Starting in the Ultra Wide SCSI days, termination became even more critical due to shortened cable lengths and noise on the SCSI cables. Providing power to the termination lines helped make the SCSI signals more reliable from end-to-end. Termination is absolutely required at both ends of a SCSI bus. Stan Donald Polak wrote:
These are internal, I do not have a separate terminator, but the drives have the ability to terminate themselves. I apologize for the green question, but what is Power Terminate?