On Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 09:47:11AM +0800, Carley, Jason (Hong Kong) wrote:
Well I haven't yet gotten around to fixing my network problems. I am now trying to get my system to boot from either a disk or LILO on the hard drive.
It is an Abit KT-7 and the Drive is a slave (for historical reasons) behind a CDROM drive on the 1st IDE controller (not the RAID controllers which have a seperate windows installation on them).
I get the famous LI response from the bootloader. Now after looking this up in the docs and being told that it relates to disk geometry I am stumped. I am booting to a /boot all within the 1024 limit. The drive is properly detected and boots under other OSs. I get exactly the same problem whether I am using LILO on a boot disk or the hard drive. I even tried a reinstall using default partitioning in case something I did stuffed up the booting ability from the hard drive.
It boots fine from the Disk 1 CDROM.
One thing I would try, just to eliminate it from the equation, is to reverse the slave/master on the IDE controller. This should be just a matter of changing the jumpers on the back of the HD to make it the master and on the CD to make it the slave. I have no particular reason to think this is the problem, but it is very unusual to have your HD slaved to the CD. In the bad old days it was even recommended that you put the HD and CD on different controllers if possible. -- Regards Cliff