Yes some kinsd of autamatic meny/setup for a windowed enviorment woul be nice , atleast as an option , and then an easy way to chabge the window mannager ie from fwuin to kde. Aslo How do you get rid of the "eyes thing ma gig , off the screen ?? Makes that manager unusable.
----S.u.S.E must separate German Distribution and English distribution completely. a. When I loaded the default package during Install from the scratch---I browsed the selection and found out that it had some German manual, help files selected besides the English ones... I guess that's why I saw some German instruction ;p
Yep , When I ran the Live file system fro disk 5 , and typed yast , It to came up in german.
b. Why there isn't a S.u.S.E Newsgroup?? Almost all the distribution has newsgroups, but why not S.u.S.E (may be one for German and one for English)
YTess that would be much more managable then the list , and would give an option of searching the list for specific propblems , especialy those that keep coming up time after time , as new users grapple with the same problem. The list has a great deal of patience and tolerance , wich makes the expirience much better for new users.
Note: I know I sound too greedy. Getting the power of Linux, good look of KDE and ease of installation. But hey it doesn't hurt to wish:)
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