Nico wrote:
I'm running Suse 9.1 and the rest of the office is still running MS-Windows. We are planning a gradual move from MS to Linux.
Up to now, we enountered only one problem: FONTS
I can't send an OpenOffice document to my colleagues and have them open it without "changes".
Is there a way to export the Linux fonts to MS-Windows?
Yes. Copy the fonts (*.ttf files) from the OpenOffice installation (perhaps share/fonts/truetype) to C:\windows\fonts and everything should work. If that's too complicated, you could install OpenOffice on the Windows PCs and then the fonts would get installed anyway. If you're planning to migrate, giving people a chance to try OpenOffice first may help anyway. An alternative approach would be to define your own template(s) in OpenOffice so that the default fonts are Times and Arial. Then everything should work as desired, provided you've the MS fonts installed in Linux. -- JDL