Guys, I got this message after I replied to Ben Rosenberg's rant on helping people with windows issues, what in the world does it mean? As far as I can see it says the mail had dirty words in it, but I didn't see not dirty words, unless you consider "Microsft" a dirty word ; - p here is the mail I received: From: System Attendant <MBS-MAIL-07-SA@mortgagesvcs.com> To: "'David M'" <dmcglone@edificationweb.com> Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:14:25 -0500 Trend SMEX Content Filter has detected sensitive content. Place = SuSE English list; ; ; dmcglone@edificationweb.com Sender = David M Subject = Re: [SLE] What's this? Anyone got this too? suse-linux-e-return-89247-wolfi_z=yahoo.com@suse.com Delivery Time = January 31, 2002 (Thursday) 15:14:24 Policy = Dirty Words Action on this mail = Quarantine message Warning message from administrator: Sender, Content filter has detected a sensitive e-mail. -- David M. AIM: dmcglone27 ICQ: 96210352 dmcglone@edificationweb.com Edification Web Solutions http://www.edificationweb.com