Randall R Schulz wrote:
On Thursday 20 January 2005 23:18, jalal wrote:
Randall R Schulz wrote:
On Thursday 20 January 2005 01:08, jalal wrote:
Mark Panen wrote:
On installating Suse 9.2, i forget now is there an option to install no boot loader or is one installed anyway.
Yes, you can not install a boot loader.
I take it what you meant to say was "Yes, you have the option of not installing a boot loader." What you wrote implies it is forbidden to install a boot loader.
Contemplate on the difference between:
Yes, you can not install a boot loader.
Yes, you cannot install a boot loader.
[Randall wrote in reply:] Sure: It's slim to none.
Sorry, but that's just how English works.
Apologies not needed. I'll learn to live with it. cheers -- GPG fingerprint = 3D45 5509 D380 26A4 523E A9D8 A66A 5F38 CA43 BB0E