HI AGAIN! I'm using SuSE 5.2. If I have a program on a CD that I want to install on my computer, can I use YaST? This CD is NOT the SuSE install CD. I think that I can, but can not find a howto. TIA J I M ----------------------------------------- Jim Hatridge Germany hatridge@straubing.baynet.de Proud Linux User #88484 !!!!!!!!!! Micro$oft -- Ghostdriver* on the road to the future! (*German Slang for the guy driving on the wrong side of the road!) ---------------------------------------------- "If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people he should resign." Bill Clinton, 1974 - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e