Hi all,
I'm new to Suse (and Linux, for that matter) and was trying to follow this great set of instructions to add support for things like Windows media file formats. http://www.thejemreport.com/mambo/content/view/178/42/
Welcome to SuSE - the best distro on the block (IMHO). I'm a newbie too. I've been using it only for about a year and a half and am still learning much about this very cool linux thingy.
I added the following RPM repositories to YAST:
ftp://packman.unixheads.com/ mirrors.kernel.org/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.0-OSS/inst-source-java mirrors.kernel.org/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.0-OSS/inst-source mirrors.kernel.org/suse/i386/10.0/SUSE-Linux10.0-GM-Extra
That went fine, but when I opened Software Management in YAST, it said "Reading package information..." which I assumed was normal - it has to check what's available at the sites I added in order to build the list I'll be searching.
However, it's never gotten beyond that point. I let it go all night and all day today, and it's still "Reading package information..." for,
What that means, is that your connection didn't work. It is trying to update. I dunno about yast - you can't kill it like other processes. Anyway, all looked good except for the packman one. I found the yast sources at: ftp://packman.unixheads.com/suse/10.0/ Try that. Always try the links in a browser or ftp client prior to actually adding them as sources. -- kai ponte www.perfectreign.com linux - genuine windows replacement part