Il Sunday 30 November 2008 16:34:00 David C. Rankin ha scritto: thanks for the answer, sorry for my English but I am not mother tongue. I am using kde4 from a couple of day, initially I had one several nice plasmoid (now I know their name) one for each icons of my Desk; for exemple 1 for firefox 1 for openoffice etc etc. This situation is referred at my just installed opensuse. Recently i found a different situation where all my old plsmoids are disappeared and a new plasmoid is appeared thath embeb my Desktop folder. well I am not moving from kde3 to kde4 and now I am asking whats happen? where is my desk I am using kde4 from severall time and asking why my plasmoids has been replaced by 1 horrible desk-plasmoid ( I killed him)? I How I can restore all my old plasmoids (in a easy way)? Bye
Welcome to KDE 4,
When you find a use for the little and floating windows with my desktop inside --- please let the rest of us know... In KDE 4, the little window is a plasmoid (somebody forgot how to say w-i-n-d-o-w). With KDE4, you don't have a real desktop anymore, instead you must create different windows or plasmoids to display icons on your desktop and the icons all must stay in the window, kind of like all programs used to have to stay in the "program manager" window on windows 3.1. It does work sort of like KDE 3 (anything you put in your ~/desktop folder is shown in the desktop plasmoid.
Also, you can no longer add an application 'menu' to the taskbar in kde4 (like editors, terminal, or your own custom menu folder). In KDE 4 you supposedly have to create another plasmoid widget and then try and add that to the taskbar. (I'm still trying)
So again --- Welcome to KDE4 8-(
-- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. | openSoftware und SystemEntwicklung Rankin Law Firm, PLLC | Countdown for openSuSE 11.1 www.rankinlawfirm.com | http://counter.opensuse.org/11.1/small
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