I wish to use the Jikes Java compiler. I have read the Jikes home page, and discovered that this application is said to be supplied with SuSE, which was good news. I was unable to find "Jikes*" on my openSuSE v10.2; The only related file present is jikes.vim; this appears to be a plugin for vim (that was a surprise -- it seems to be a well-kept secret how one uses these plugins), along with similar files for other languages and utillities. Given that one invokes jikes with the name "jikes", this led me to believe that jikes, although bundled, is not installed. I therefore turned to YaST > Software > Software Management, and tried to install jikes. This did locate the application, and highlighted it. After I clicked on Accept, YaST asked me for CD1, but did not give me an opportunity to insert the CD. At the bottom of the YaST screen, "Next" and "Back" were greyed out, and the only active button was "Abort". A small dialog box appeared , asking me if I was interested in installing any more packages, and I answere "No", pretty much out of spite. How, if at all, might I get jikes on SuSE? At the moment, it seems a more efficient use of my time to do this work on another OS. -- Stan Goodman Qiryat Tiv'on Israel 1975 Home-brew with ASM-80 1978 CP/M 1981 MS-DOS 1987 Quarterdeck 1992 OS/2 - eComStation 2007 LINUX openSuSE Thirty-two years (and counting) of happy, Windows-free computing -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org