Hi, If you want to host your own domains, You will atleast need two nameservers. Your ISP should be able to provide you DNS hosting for atleast one domain free of charge. Otherwise, as stated above you'll need one more PC configured as secondary nameserver. Before you register your domain, register the two nameservers with InterNIC so that you can use them later for domain registration. You need not have the nameservers up & running at this point. You'll need create one zone file per domain on the master server. I guess you are familiar with that. DNS howto has good examples. I am also assuming that you can get bind installed and running on both the machines. I don't want to go into a lot of detail right now. Make sure you have understood this first before we can go ahead. -- Nadeem :) http://www.nadmm.com/ Gelah wrote:
I read the DNS HOWTO and it seems promising, but it isn't for beginners. I understand little bit how Internet and domains work. I have DSL and one PC and I'm planning to host my pesonal web site at home - just one site first. Is it possible to use bind 8 and is there any other thing I need to configure. Of course, I know how to edit /etc/named.conf, but for example if my IP address is: 12.345.678.900 and my domain name is www.gelah.org, how many files should I have under /var/named ? and how many computers do I need if I want to setup nameservers. I'm new to Linux, so please give me long and step by step explanation. By default bind installs 3 files and 1 directory under /var/named. I know how to edit those 2 files and maintain the root.hint one. I think I will need to set up primary and secondary DNS. Is there anything my ISP needs to know? If I need extra files to be created what should I put. Maybe one of you alreay has a similar scenario, so could you email yours to me please? I think I'll have 8 IP addresses with 5 of them be used for public and I can buy another cheap PCs.
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