Charles Obler said the following on 02/23/2010 12:59 PM:
I've asked for advice on the re-install, and so far, I have received none.
That is not the case.
A simple re-install would fail for the same reason that the original install failed:
I note you said "would" and not "did" I also note from my own experience with installations that the installation lives in its own world, so your excuse about it not installation the eth0 isn't applicable; that's for after the installation.
To get internet access, I had to build the file manually. That happened only yesterday, and already you want me to upgrade to KDE 4.4! I will do it, but give me time.
We note that even though you were aware that your installation was incomplete and that you were aware you ere not running a current version, you still fond time to uncover these problems and still found time to bitch about them here. Sounds like "Avoidance behaviour" to me, just like I employ when it time to do my taxes ...
Shouldn't I try to complete the current install, before upgrading? What is the best way to do that?
That's already been answered in this thread, and if you'd followed other threads here you would know anyway. "zypper dup" Like item #1 at Right now I can't tell if you're baiting us or just not paying attention to what's posted in this forum. When to use zypper and the difference between a plain zypper and a dup has been discussed heavily. As for giving you instructions on a re-install, my reaction is one of "duh? you need to be told how to do an install?" Evidence is that something went wrong and you seem to be baulking at doing it over again to try and "get it right", or, for that matter, making detailed notes of any anomalies. After all, you can hot-key to a screen where its telling you what's going on or what errors it encounters in the install. You seem to expect us to fix your install with no 'evidence'. -- helicopter (n): 30,000 parts in tight orbit around a hydraulic fluid leak, waiting for metal fatigue to set in. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: