Carlos wrote regarding 'Re: [SLE] Perl Books (Was; Removing attachements from stored mails)' on Sat, Oct 23 at 06:57:
The Saturday 2004-10-23 at 09:43 +0200, Jon Clausen wrote:
Er... is there a quick-perl-get-started-howto? O:-)
If at all possible, do get a copy of "Perl Black Book". Very comprehensive, nicely indexed and thoroughly readable. At times also *very* funny :)
It isn't cheap, but I found it to be *well* worth the investment.
I said "quick" - perhaps I should have said "brief" ;-)
Anyway, geting such books is not easy here, and probably at double the original price .
I'd probably point you to, personally. There's loads of tutorials and examples for quite a variety of skill levels (including "beginner"). As far as books, I've found O'Reilly's "Perl Cookbook" to be pretty useful. I'm partial to learning by example, though, so that could just be me. :) --Danny, posting a bit late, so it seems