On 04/02/2003 09:51 PM, Steven T. Hatton wrote:
has anyone verified my observation that Helvetica (and other) fonts are broken by /usr/lib/qt3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3 from QT 3.1.2? I don't want to waste the time of the SuSE developers with problems that are on my end, but if this is their problem, then I want to be sure it gets reported correctly. As I said, I can save the .so from QT 3.1.1, install QT 3.1.2 and fix or break my fonts according to which version of libqt-mt.so.3 is in place. This just became more important to me because I'm having problems with Gideon (the KDevelop alpha 3.0.0). The dump is mentioning this lib.
I just tried it in Kword. My system is 8.0 (but updated to X4.3, KDE 3.1.1, QT 3.1.2). Have you updated your xf86tools package. It has a newer fonts-config script that works very good and faster than the previous version. HTH -- Joe Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Joe_Morris@ntm.org Web Address: http://www.mydestiny.net/~joe_morris Registered Linux user 231871 God said, I AM that I AM. I say, by the grace of God, I am what I am.