On Wednesday 27 March 2002 15:21, you wrote:
* b stephen harding (books@computerbooksforless.com) [020327 12:17]:
On Wednesday 27 March 2002 14:35, you wrote:
* b stephen harding (books@computerbooksforless.com) [020327 11:28]:
Do you have a autoconf and automake installed? Makefile.in is created from Makefile.am by automake.
Well I just compiled Qtella 0.5, so should I assume that this means I've got those two files?
rpm -q autoconf automake
Ok, they were not installed. I have now done that, I re-run the ./configure --enable-kde && make && make install command and I'm still getting the same error.
Rerunning configure is just going to run the config.status that was created and use the old broken values. rm config.status or, better, 'make distclean' if that works.
Thanks everyone. All your suggestion have lead to the happy conculsion. Next I need to add WindowMaker to KDM's list of Window Managers. How is that done. Never did that one before.