Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: python executable name Message-ID : <CANkOqwNDLzv-SZ7+J7kqEHy=22iYDgt9+3Q4WAGZjJf_TR+ZZg@mail.gmail.com> Date & Time: Mon, 19 Sep 2022 14:01:25 +0200 [RO] == Roger Oberholtzer <roger.oberholtzer@gmail.com> has written: RO> On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 12:38 PM Masaru Nomiya <nomiya@galaxy.dti.ne.jp> wrote: RO> > I'll just remove a bunch of python2.7 related packages and see what RO> > happens. RO> > RO> > Anyway, when I installed Tumbleweed this past March, it was a RO> > combination of python 2.7 and python 3.8, but now it is python 2.7 and RO> > python 3.10. RO> > RO> > When I figured this out, I have removed everything related to python RO> > 3.8 accordingly. RO> > RO> > I think you should carefully watch the status of package's updates in RO> > this regard. RO> I have some other Tumbleweed systems that have a real mix. I would RO> like to settle on one Python 3 version, and perhaps remove any Python2 RO> packages. The trick is that IIRC there are some neutral packages like RO> python-rpm-macros that one might want to keep. Something for a rainy RO> day, I guess. I very much agree with your view that "Simple Is Best". For that reason, we should keep an eye on the packaging trend in Tumbleweed, and I think YaST2 is a good tool for that. Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "A bachelor’s degree still holds prestige as a ticket to the middle class, but its value has received increasing scrutiny. In the last several years, rising tuition and student loan debt have led more Americans to reconsider an investment in postsecondary education." -- Washington Post --