Netscape for UNIX is one of the worst pieces of junk to ever come from a major computer company, IMO. It crashes way more than IE, btw. (on my Win2k system, I can run all day without a single crash in IE - no small feat in Windowsland).
Tim could not be more right here, surely. I can't remember who ran the thread a while ago under the line 'the browser misery', but he was right too. However, it's taken Tim to make the point that Netscape on Linux (also on Solaris) is way less stable and satisfactory than IE 5.5, a horrible admission to have to make, but let's not kid ourselves. Konqueror, at least in the version with KDE 2.0.1, is much better, and something you can show to waverers and doubters with pride. I'm sure it will go on to be a truly star app., though of course you need to be in KDE2 to use it (?right?) But I've had several frustrating experiences trying to show Linux off to friends and potential users, having banged on about how stable it is, what wonderful connectivity it has, only to be subjected to a depressing display of bad manners and plain crashing out from Netscrape. 'I never get these problems with Explorer' is the usual reply. Why is Netscape (including the 'stability-fixed' 4.76) such a dog, and why is it so slow in getting fixed? Readers of this list, including me I hasten to add, may well be prepared to put up with a thing on the basis that it's not made by MS, but the average punter who needs to be convinced before Linux achieves mass market desktop acceptance will tend to go on what they see running in terms of apps. Thanks to all those who replied with advice on Netscape 6 - I still can't get the install to work, whichever files I download, it seg faults, and frankly I can't see why I should have to struggle to fix that - it's supposed to be a professionally produced programme and should work. Some suggested 'downloading the source' for N6, but I don't seem to be able to find it - one kind gent whose name I don't have in front of me suggests that people meant 'the source for Mozilla' rather than N6, does anyone in fact know of a place to find compilable N6 source? Bye all, Fergus