1 Jul
1 Jul
At 7/1/01 8:58:00 AM, you wrote:
Hi List:
3 quick questions: 1. How can I rebuild /usr/src/linux-2.4.4.SuSE after I inadvertantly deleted it? i Reinstalling kernel 2.4 from the CDs will not do it. 2. I switched to kernel 2.2.19 after having problems with vmware on 2.4.4-4GB. Whe is there no /usr/src/linux-2.2.19 directory? 3. Where on the 7.2 disks are the suse linux sources? They used to be called lx_suse, IIRC, but that package doesn't seem to be on the CDs anymore?
In my 7.2 disk set, the kernel source is in package "kernel-source" in series "d". NetZero Platinum No Banner Ads and Unlimited Access Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month! http://www.netzero.net