Graham Murray wrote:
Joakim Schramm <> writes:
I try to set up the Bind8 DNS server, have used the basic named file named.conf in the /bind dir and copied it to /etc/named.conf, set start named to "yes", but at start I just got a message: user "named" unknown
What I did was to use YaST to create a new user & Group called named. -
Yes, that worked, but... should it realy be like this? isn't it a signal that something is wrong somewere, structural or so? Before doing so I tried to do $ ndc start and that starts the server, but rebooting and have the boot up script stating it results in a: user "named" unknown error message, as well as: group "named" unknown if just a user "named" is added. Adding a group "named" as well clears the errmess and starts server at boot... I just can't see any (logical) reason to why there should need to be a user and group "named" to this to happen. Somewhere something must be "logical" wrong in the script setup, or is I just too newbie to understand this? I want to have a DNS I can trust in and not causing me trouble later on... Joakim
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