In data domenica 27 ottobre 2024 15:51:25 Ora standard dell’Europa centrale, Carlos E. R. ha scritto:
Please edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/clamonacc.service just like this;
[Service] Type=forking User=root ExecStart=/usr/sbin/clamonacc --ping 30:10 --wait --fdpass [...] ---------
Editing directly the profile has the problem that perhaps an update will replace the profile with the new default one. This is more important in TW. Maybe Stakanov should try to create an override.
being a different file from the service file, it has chances of surviving updates.
Thank you for this. I am saving this to a howto, until I can see if an update will erase my direct changes. I did open a bugreport and maybe they will look into it (why it happens in the first place). For me this is a bug of some sort that manifests with selected users and it should be taken into account to avoid to other users the same problem. That it happens also in other circumstances and settings is known. So I will see what the solution bugowner will come up with (if any). Thank you for the info, very helpful.