** Reply to message from James Oakley <joakley@solutioninc.com> on Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:14:00 -0400
The problem turned out to be that my lowly Enemax 350W couldn't provide the power. I now have a 420W and everything's perfect.
yup, I had a similar problem w/ a no name 350W power supply ONE scsi 3 hd a cdrom ( scsi3 and an ide Yamaha burner) </tongue firmly panted in cheek > The thing corrupted or otherwise *confused* something at those times when a reboot, or complete shutdown was required. ( Did you all know that you actually CAN'T move a box that is still on, unless it's a laptop What it was unable to deal w/ , or so I was told , was my 20" Mitsubishi monitor!! </tongue removed to it's normal location > So I got a bigger nastier power supply and have the same results. We can all take a huge bet on the FIRST place I'll look if I start having any remotely similar problems ?? <G> -- j afterthought: Dontcha worry none, chile, cause it aint gonna fix a ting.