On Sat, 2006-02-04 at 17:54 +0100, Danny Kukawka wrote:
On Saturday 04 February 2006 15:35, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
On Sat, 2006-02-04 at 11:06 -0300, Patricio Bruna V. wrote:
Kpowersave its no refrshing the power status. i have to reboot the powersaved daemon and kpowersave show that the battery has changed, so i think is a powersaved problem not reading the acpi status propelly.
Mine (Compaq lt1720US) reports "Plugged in -- battery is charging -- 997mhz" when plugged in and "Running on batteries -- -1% charged -- 997mhz" when on the battery. Yet the battery will provide 2.5-3 hours of run time. The correct info shows in KDE control center.
What say "powersave -B" and what say lshal about the battery? Is you acipd and the hal-acpi-addon running (check with 'ps aux | grep acpi').
lt1720:~ # powersave -B Battery: error. AC is online. Battery0: 100 udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_AC' info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_AC' (string) linux.hotplug_type = 4 (0x4) (int) ac_adapter.present = true (bool) info.capabilities = {'ac_adapter'} (string list) info.category = 'ac_adapter' (string) info.product = 'AC Adapter' (string) info.parent = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer' (string) linux.acpi_type = 3 (0x3) (int) linux.acpi_path = '/proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC' (string) udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CMB0' info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CMB0' (string) linux.hotplug_type = 4 (0x4) (int) battery.charge_level.rate = 0 (0x0) (int) battery.charge_level.last_full = 0 (0x0) (int) battery.charge_level.current = 3557 (0xde5) (int) battery.voltage.current = 16696 (0x4138) (int) battery.reporting.rate = 0 (0x0) (int) battery.reporting.current = 3557 (0xde5) (int) battery.rechargeable.is_discharging = false (bool) battery.rechargeable.is_charging = false (bool) battery.is_rechargeable = true (bool) battery.charge_level.unit = 'unknown' (string) battery.charge_level.granularity_2 = 100 (0x64) (int) battery.charge_level.granularity_1 = 100 (0x64) (int) battery.charge_level.low = 16 (0x10) (int) battery.charge_level.warning = 800 (0x320) (int) battery.charge_level.design = -1 (0xffffffff) (int) battery.reporting.granularity_2 = 100 (0x64) (int) battery.reporting.granularity_1 = 100 (0x64) (int) battery.reporting.low = 16 (0x10) (int) battery.reporting.warning = 800 (0x320) (int) battery.technology = 'LION' (string) battery.serial = '0000' (string) battery.model = 'BAT1' (string) battery.vendor = 'COMPAQ' (string) battery.present = true (bool) info.capabilities = {'battery'} (string list) info.category = 'battery' (string) battery.type = 'primary' (string) info.product = 'Battery Bay' (string) info.parent = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer' (string) linux.acpi_type = 0 (0x0) (int) linux.acpi_path = '/proc/acpi/battery/CMB0' (string) Any other info you need? -- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998