On 6/18/22 09:29, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 6/18/22 06:11, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2022-06-18 10:57, David C. Rankin wrote:
Something has changed in 15.4 related to access serial devices over USB in 15.4 and I can't figure out what?
I suspect this may be a group issue. In 15.0 there was the adm group GID 485, that I made myself a member of. (I'm not positive this is the group at issue, but...) The adm group is not present in 15.4.
What group does the device file belong to? Your user should belong to that group.
$ l /dev/ttyACM0 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Jun 18 09:25 /dev/ttyACM0
$ sudo gpasswd -a david dialout Adding user david to group dialout
$ 09:26 wizard:~> minicom timsp432 Cannot create lockfile for /dev/ttyACM0: Permission denied
If not the adm group -- what else could it be? I had no issues using ttyACM0 as my user in 15.0 and now in 15.4 it seems I lack some type of permission to use it.
What if I add the "adm" group with GID 485 back to the system? Worth a try? Or, grasping at straws??
But start minicom as root and all is well: Usage: switch1 (P1.1) - starts display update switch2 (P1.4) - stops display update Frequencies: msp432 SMCLK : 24 MHz MPU sample rate : 100 Hz display update : 1 Hz DLPF setting : 2 Acceleration Trim Register Values: XA_OFFS : 3614 YA_OFFS : 234 ZA_OFFS : 41472 Linear Acceleration, Angular Rate, Magnetic Field, and Temperature accel: { 0.08, -0.00, 1.00 } 1.00 (g) gyro : { -0.12, -0.25, -0.08 } 0.29 (deg/sec) mag : { 20.81, 35.51, 26.09 } 99 (samples/sec) temp : { 23.40 C / 74.12 F } XYang: { 0.15, 0.17 } -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.