I then tried to do some installs. Windows 98 (games, honestly, just games!:) fdisk only recognizes it as an 51 GB setup (haven't gone beyond that), and although SuSE 8.1 recognizes the raid configuration correctly (121 GB), it fails when trying to create and setup the partitions.
When not in RAID configuration (desperate attempt last night) both disks can be fdisked and formatted without any trouble, but as RAID they are not very cooperative.
Slight update on this matter: Windows '98 problems seem to be related to the fdisk. It appears this fdisk only allows disks upto 68 GB. I tried a new version, which seems to work upto 110 GB. Perhaps there's one that _will_ work. Under Linux I cannot partition the drives, not even when I don't set up a RAID configuration. Apparently this only works under Windows fdisk. I wonder if Linux just does not detect the RAID controller, and in stead tries to access the disks through the normal IDE controller. I noticed that the disknames when not being used as RAID are /dev/hda and /dev/hdc... Any thoughts? Regards, Pieter Hulshoff