On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:52:29 +0100 Praise <praisetazio@tiscalinet.it> wrote:
What kind of failures do they have? 52 PC every day looks like A LOT! 0,52% of chance for a PC to fail every day! If the chance is the same in the time, in 100 days they would replace 52% of all pcs (or there is 52% of chance to have one pc broken!).
Ok, I am doing the assumption that the chance is always the same, and that is not obiously true, but it still looks like they have a lot of failures. Anyone have some further information on this?
I would guess that 52 pc's a day, out of 10,000 is not that high if they are using generic pc parts under high stress loads. Probably, alot of hard drive failures. Also, if they don't stress-test the new parts they put them in, part of that .000052 is just bad components to begin with. How many "bad returns" is typical for pc parts? -- $|=1;while(1){print pack("h*",'75861647f302d4560275f6272797f3');sleep(1); for(1..16){for(8,32,8,7){print chr($_);}select(undef,undef,undef,.05);}}