----- Original Message ----- From: Patrick Hooker To: SuSE Linux List Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 7:16 AM Subject: Re: [SLE] Mozilla has lousy font rendering. [snip]
Yeppers! Looking at:
The fonts I'm seeing on my system are displayed like those on the SuSE 8.1 screen shot. ( and some of the others ) [snip]
You probably need to compile and install the most recent version of freetype2 with the bytecode interpreter enabled and only after that fiddle with unix.js. Font display on my 8.2 machine was generally poor until I did this, using Mozilla 1.4 from the SuSE ftp site. The fonts on 8.1 weren't up to much until I did the same on that. Adjusting font substition may also help, e.g. ensuring that anything called "times", "tms rmn" and the like always resolves to an xft font rather than the adobe one. :) Fish