On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 11:43 -0200, Jose Thadeu Cavalcante wrote:
Where is the english version of SuSE/Novell site? I enter in english, but some clicks and fall in germany pages.
This happened to me a couple of weeks ago for the Novell side of things. One day out of the blue I was suddenly getting German pages. I thought there was a problem with Novell's site and actually called my local Novell Sales rep. There wasn't... I finally figured out what the problem was. Anyway here is how to fix it. Go back the Novell page. www.novell.com On the main header under the "Training" link there is small link labled "language". Click on it and choose English, or whatever language you prefer. The language setting I believe is stored in a cookie and mostly likely it got changed by accident. In my case probably when I was attempting to use "login" link, which is right next to the "language" link, and most likely got interrupted by the phone or something else... HTH