2009/12/5 Alexander R <aleromex@gmail.com>:
оно лечится? и только с кирилицей фишка? т.к. с другими листами (англ) все ок.
2009/12/6 Dinar Valeev <dinarv@gmail.com>:
Это фишка gmail насколько я знаю.
2009/12/5 Alexander R <aleromex@gmail.com>:
2009/12/5 Dinar Valeev <dinarv@gmail.com>
Нет, проблема не только с кириллицей. Люди из испано-язычной рассылки тоже желовались. Это обсуждалось в английской рассылке и было диагностировано как проблема с web-интерфейсом gmail: ================================================== On Sunday, 2008-11-02 at 14:09 -0800, John Andersen wrote: This is a known bug of gmail. Borrowing info from someone in the Spanish list, it happens because gmail encodes messages with utf-8 text as base64, and then opensusse list server (mlmmj) adds a text part with the unsusbscribe address. This combination can not be handled by GMail webmail and is well known. Hmmm, so the the attachment of his sig in utf8 seems to be problematic only when relayed via Opensuse to users of the web interface. Those who pop/imap gmail have no problem. Interesting. It is a problem if someone sends an email from gmail webmail's to the list and then it is also seen on the webmail. If you use something else to view the email (ie, you download it via imap or pop3) then there is no problem, which means that the bug is in the webmail viewer. It is not his attachment that causes the problem. His sig triggers gmail encoding the email in utf and base64. So far so good. But then the list server adds a text to the bottom, as plain text. You can see this by looking at the source email with "less", for instance. ... It is this combination of three factors that triggers the problem. Good and proven mail clients have no problem, but gmail webmail's has. So gmail webmail's users have to live with this, and hope that gmail solves it. ===================================================================================== Они сообщили о проблеме в Google (и другим советовали присоединиться к bug-report), но "воз и ныне там". -- Mark Goldstein