[opensuse-pt] Fwd: openSUSE 11.0 chega no fim da vida

Olá pessoal, Apenas para ciência de vocês, hoje acabou o tempo de vida do openSUSE 11.0, conforme anúncio abaixo (em inglês). Aqueles que ainda tiverem o 11.0 instalado, sugiro atualizá-lo para uma versão mais recente. abraços ;) Luiz ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.de> Date: 2010/7/26 Subject: [opensuse-announce] openSUSE 11.0 has reached End Of Life To: opensuse-announce@opensuse.org Hi, With the release of a rpm security fix on Friday 23rd July we have released the last update for openSUSE 11.0. It is now officially discontinued and out of support. openSUSE 11.0 was released on June 17 2008, making it 2 years and 1 month of security and bugfix support. Some statistics on the released patches (compared to 10.3): Total updates: 644 (-71) Security: 485 (-36) Recommended: 157 (-34) Optional: 2 ( -1) CVE Entries: 1141 (+135) There is a 7% decrease in the number of security updates compared to openSUSE 10.3, but there seems to be a 13% increase in CVE numbers fixed. Top issues (compared to 10.3 for issues down to 5): 18 MozillaFirefox (+5) 12 opera (-1) 10 clamav (-2) 10 acroread (+1) 9 kernel (-2) 8 wireshark (-1) 7 seamonkey (-3) 7 MozillaThunderbird (-2) 7 moodle ( 0) 7 java-1_6_0-sun (-5) 7 flash-player (+1) 7 cups (-5) 7 apache2-mod_php5 ( 0) 6 libpng ( 0) 6 java-1_5_0-sun (-4) 6 samba (new) 5 libopenssl-devel (-1) 5 bind (0) 5 viewvc 5 strongswan 5 libopenssl 5 java-1_6_0-openjdk 5 pidgin And top issues sorted by CVE (Common Vulnerability Enumeration) count (down to 5) (compared to 10.3 for the top): 143 MozillaFirefox (+20) 102 java-1_6_0-sun (+27) 93 acroread (+41) 83 seamonkey (-27) 75 kernel (+20) 64 flash-player (+30) 63 java-1_5_0-sun ( -7) 54 MozillaThunderbird ( -4) 50 java-1_6_0-openjdk (new) 40 mozilla-xulrunner190 (new) 36 mozilla-xulrunner181 (-10, went out of maintenance) 35 wireshark ( +7) 27 moodle (+17) 24 apache2-mod_php5 ( +8) 23 opera ( +4) 19 xpdf ( -2) 18 xine-devel ( -5) 18 phpMyAdmin ( -1) 18 pidgin/finch ( +1) 17 ruby ( -2) 17 clamav ( -7) 14 cups (-20) 13 OpenOffice_org ( +3) 13 libpoppler3 ( -4) 13 libmysqlclient-devel ( -1) 12 samba/cifs-mount ( +5) 11 tomcat6 (was tomcat55) ( +2) 11 kdegraphics3 ( 0) 11 ghostscript-devel ( +5) 11 apache2 ( -8) 10 postgresql ( +1) 9 viewvc 9 libopenssl-devel 9 horde 8 xorg-x11-Xvnc 8 python 8 krb5 7 strongswan 7 libpoppler-devel 7 kvm 7 gvim 7 bind 6 timezone 6 qemu 6 lighttpd 6 libxml2 6 libpng-devel 5 xgl 5 squid # security updates by count # grep -l type..secur updateinfo-*|sed -e 's/^updateinfo-//;s/-[0-9]*.xml$//;'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n +0 -r|less # grep CVE- update* |perl -e '%cves=();while (<>) { while (/(CVE-2...-....)/) { $cve{$1}++; s/CVE-2...-....//;} } print join("\n",sort keys %cve)."\n";' | wc -l # for i in updateinfo-* ; do echo -n "$i " ; grep CVE- $i|perl -e '%cves=();while (<>) { while (/(CVE-2...-....)/) { $cve{$1}++; s/CVE-2...-....//;} } print join("\n",sort keys %cve)."\n";' | wc -l ; done -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-announce+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-announce+help@opensuse.org -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-pt+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-pt+help@opensuse.org
participants (1)
Luiz Fernando Ranghetti