Olá/Hola! O que vocês acham disto?/O que piensan ustedes de esto? abraços/abrazos, Luiz Fernando Ranghetti ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <zonker@opensuse.org> Date: 2008/8/29 Subject: Re: [opensuse-marketing] irc meeting - some comments To: ¡ElCheVive! <elchevive68@gmail.com> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 9:54 AM, ¡ElCheVive! <elchevive68@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Zonker and all!
Hi! ;-)
During our first meeting (marketing team) I said that the information for translator are spread over the openSUSE wiki, we don't have a central point, ok we have the Teams page, but we have one page for the distro translation (i18n.opensuse.org), another for the wiki translation (http://en.opensuse.org/Translation_Team) and a third one for documentation (http://en.opensuse.org/Documentation_Team) been the last one is with less translations, just english and deutch. And if I or we want to translate the manuals we have to have a medium knowledge to get the sources, extract it, convert the .xml to .pot files or edit the xml itself, translate it and repacking again or create an OBS account to do that (and learn how to use it)... And another thing that I can't found for translation are the man pages for openSUSE especific programs like zypper, yast, locks, and so one...
You have a good point -- and I want to have a good "roadmap" for potential translators. Would you mind putting this as an action item on the Marketing Team wiki, to have a unified "getting started" page for translators? We probably ought to talk to the Fedora folks as well about what they're doing with translations. I think they have some good ideas and we might be able to coordinate a bit with them on tools, if not actual translations of specific documents. Going back to work on my keynote prep now... only a few hours. Best, Zonker -- Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier openSUSE Community Manager jzb@zonker.net http://zonker.opensuse.org/ http://www.dissociatedpress.net/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-pt+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-pt+help@opensuse.org