Bud Roth <bud@obitori.darktech.org> writes:
I am running SuSE 8.1. I installed it on a machine without adding Japanese input capabilities. My wife is a Japanese teacher and I'd like to add Japanese input now. Can somebody suggest from the array of Japanese language options what I need to put the add core Kanji functionality to KDE. I want to be able to input hirigana/katakana and kanji from a wordprocessor and in web pages.
<suse-linux-ja@suse.com> is a Japanese mailing list. If you want to write in English, please use the English list <m17n@suse.com> I suggest for you to install: kinput2 canna cannadic xfntjp ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho kde3-i18n-ja mlterm fribidi ghostscript-fonts-kanji Then please read the SuSE CJK howto on my homepage. If you have more questions, please write in Japanese or use <m17n@suse.com>. -- Mike Fabian <mfabian@suse.de> http://www.suse.de/~mfabian 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。