Hola, después de que me ayudaseis a recuperar mi SuSE 9.2 x86_64 tras desactivar ACPI, me he puesto con el tema de conseguir rescatar mi grabadora de DVD. He reinstalado el sistema con ACPI disabled y va muy bien, pero mi grabadora sigue sin encontrarla. Ayer se me ocurrió arrancar pasándole al inicio pci=noacpi y ¡voilà! ahí estaba la grabadora (me la reconocía como grabadora de CD, pero el caso es que estaba). Cuando vuelvo a arrancar sin poner ese parámetro, pues nada. A ver si alguien me podría decir cómo hacer que SuSE reconozca mi grabadora. Gracias ______________________________________________ Renovamos el Correo Yahoo!: ¡250 MB GRATIS! Nuevos servicios, más seguridad http://correo.yahoo.es
On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 11:44:26 +0100 (CET), Gerardo Serrano wrote:
Ayer se me ocurrió arrancar pasándole al inicio pci=noacpi y ¡voilà! ahí estaba la grabadora (me la reconocía como grabadora de CD, pero el caso es que estaba). Cuando vuelvo a arrancar sin poner ese parámetro, pues nada. A ver si alguien me podría decir cómo hacer que SuSE reconozca mi grabadora.
¿Por qué no insertas ese parámetro "pci=noacpi" de forma permanente en el arranque* (GRUB) y sigues haciendo pruebas con lo que te haya detectado? Si de esa forma detecta algo, quiere decir que a SuSE no le gusta que le digan cómo poner las IRQ (las prefiere poner él). * http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2002/10/81_acpi.html Saludos, -- Camaleón
Gerardo Serrano wrote:
Hola, después de que me ayudaseis a recuperar mi SuSE 9.2 x86_64 tras desactivar ACPI, me he puesto con el tema de conseguir rescatar mi grabadora de DVD. He reinstalado el sistema con ACPI disabled y va muy bien, pero mi grabadora sigue sin encontrarla. Ayer se me ocurrió arrancar pasándole al inicio pci=noacpi y ¡voilà! ahí estaba la grabadora (me la reconocía como grabadora de CD, pero el caso es que estaba). Cuando vuelvo a arrancar sin poner ese parámetro, pues nada. A ver si alguien me podría decir cómo hacer que SuSE reconozca mi grabadora.
Actualiza el kernel a la ultima versión de SuSE, y probablemente lo soluciones (salió ayer). Ten cuidado con la creación del symlink de /boot/initrd y que este apunta al que corresponde al kernel nuevo. Verificalo bien antes de reiniciar. SUSE Linux 9.2: - The kernel installation routines did not call depmod for the modules in the -nongpl RPMs, so they could not be loaded. This lead to non working USB modem drivers and similar. This problem was fixed. - A Problem with mounting iPods over FireWire was fixed. - A data corruption problem in the megaraid driver was fixed. - A pageattr overflow condition in the memory subsystem and missing TLB flush if multiple pages were passed were fixed. - Allow reading from zeropage with O_DIRECT/rawio. - Do not restart the system on ACPI events after power down. (Make it no longer start on opening the lid of just shutdown laptops for instance.) - New memory imbalance handling handling by Andrea leading to better Out Of Memory (OOM) handling was added. 2) solution/workaround Please install the fixed packages, there is no workaround. 3) special instructions and notes SPECIAL INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: ============================== The following paragraphs will guide you through the installation process in a step-by-step fashion. The character sequence "****" marks the beginning of a new paragraph. In some cases, the steps outlined in a particular paragraph may or may not be applicable to your situation. Therefore, please make sure to read through all of the steps below before attempting any of these procedures. All of the commands that need to be executed are required to be run as the superuser (root). Each step relies on the steps before it to complete successfully. **** Step 1: Determine the needed kernel type Please use the following command to find the kernel type that is installed on your system: rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz Following are the possible kernel types (disregard the version and build number following the name separated by the "-" character) k_deflt # default kernel, good for most systems. k_i386 # kernel for older processors and chip sets k_athlon # kernel made specifically for AMD Athlon(tm) family processors k_psmp # kernel for Pentium-I dual processor systems k_smp # kernel for SMP systems (Pentium-II and above) k_smp4G # kernel for SMP systems which supports a maximum of 4G of RAM kernel-64k-pagesize kernel-bigsmp kernel-default kernel-smp **** Step 2: Download the package for your system Please download the kernel RPM package for your distribution with the name as indicated by Step 1. The list of all kernel rpm packages is appended below. Note: The kernel-source package does not contain a binary kernel in bootable form. Instead, it contains the sources that the binary kernel rpm packages are created from. It can be used by administrators who have decided to build their own kernel. Since the kernel-source.rpm is an installable (compiled) package that contains sources for the linux kernel, it is not the source RPM for the kernel RPM binary packages. The kernel RPM binary packages for the distributions can be found at the locations below ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/. 8.1/rpm/i586 8.2/rpm/i586 9.0/rpm/i586 9.1/rpm/i586 9.2/rpm/i586 After downloading the kernel RPM package for your system, you should verify the authenticity of the kernel rpm package using the methods as listed in section 3) of each SUSE Security Announcement. **** Step 3: Installing your kernel rpm package Install the rpm package that you have downloaded in Steps 3 or 4 with the command rpm -Uhv --nodeps --force <K_FILE.RPM> where <K_FILE.RPM> is the name of the rpm package that you downloaded. Warning: After performing this step, your system will likely not be able to boot if the following steps have not been fully followed. If you run SUSE LINUX 8.1 and haven't applied the kernel update (SUSE-SA:2003:034), AND you are using the freeswan package, you also need to update the freeswan rpm as a dependency as offered by YOU (YaST Online Update). The package can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/8.1/rpm/i586/ **** Step 4: configuring and creating the initrd The initrd is a ramdisk that is loaded into the memory of your system together with the kernel boot image by the bootloader. The kernel uses the content of this ramdisk to execute commands that must be run before the kernel can mount its actual root filesystem. It is usually used to initialize SCSI drivers or NIC drivers for diskless operation. The variable INITRD_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/kernel determines which kernel modules will be loaded in the initrd before the kernel has mounted its actual root filesystem. The variable should contain your SCSI adapter (if any) or filesystem driver modules. With the installation of the new kernel, the initrd has to be re-packed with the update kernel modules. Please run the command mk_initrd as root to create a new init ramdisk (initrd) for your system. On SuSE Linux 8.1 and later, this is done automatically when the RPM is installed. **** Step 5: bootloader If you run a SUSE LINUX 8.x, SLES8, or SUSE LINUX 9.x system, there are two options: Depending on your software configuration, you have either the lilo bootloader or the grub bootloader installed and initialized on your system. The grub bootloader does not require any further actions to be performed after the new kernel images have been moved in place by the rpm Update command. If you have a lilo bootloader installed and initialized, then the lilo program must be run as root. Use the command grep LOADER_TYPE /etc/sysconfig/bootloader to find out which boot loader is configured. If it is lilo, then you must run the lilo command as root. If grub is listed, then your system does not require any bootloader initialization. Warning: An improperly installed bootloader may render your system unbootable. **** Step 6: reboot If all of the steps above have been successfully completed on your system, then the new kernel including the kernel modules and the initrd should be ready to boot. The system needs to be rebooted for the changes to become active. Please make sure that all steps have completed, then reboot using the command shutdown -r now or init 6 Your system should now shut down and reboot with the new kernel. 4) package location and checksums Please download the update package for your distribution and verify its integrity by the methods listed in section 3) of this announcement. Then, install the package using the command "rpm -Fhv file.rpm" to apply the update. Our maintenance customers are being notified individually. The packages are being offered to install from the maintenance web. x86 Platform: SUSE Linux 9.2: ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/kernel-source-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm 8dc5b70f5fdef7c0437372d2811bcb02 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/kernel-default-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm 134c37732850c86ef872c97171c81ede ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/kernel-smp-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm f552ef1f49675a4e8dc8f71ad7829ed1 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/kernel-bigsmp-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm ea2be2b3152a5b6d362636cc29534007 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/kernel-default-nongpl-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm f5af05e9e7ec387fe1ce755b8f53a022 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/kernel-smp-nongpl-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm 94e01d31f7cdda2a2ae00377613ad625 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/kernel-bigsmp-nongpl-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm f3437bd22be65df11df36b9722f15fa7 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/um-host-kernel-2.6.8-24.8.i586.rpm 772e6200300a11d137383e51486cd159 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/um-host-install-initrd-1.0-48.3.i586.rpm 00eba31f6adc46309c4be34ddd477d1a patch rpm(s): ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/um-host-kernel-2.6.8-24.8.i586.patch.rpm 00d6b04af9b54eaff147d7267d66ae08 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586/um-host-install-initrd-1.0-48.3.i586.patch.rpm 2de74bf6f185d1c732412945147c4914 source rpm(s): ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-source-2.6.8-24.8.src.rpm bc9e4a08ba429884716d9e1768ca7391 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-default-2.6.8-24.8.nosrc.rpm 0cbc4714154be7df7a18fda4c5ca595b ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-smp-2.6.8-24.8.nosrc.rpm 451d4c51a5d4083b4e663913bb53e622 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-bigsmp-2.6.8-24.8.nosrc.rpm 292bc1aab35f113099765e01f5c87b8e ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-default-2.6.8-24.8.nosrc.rpm 0cbc4714154be7df7a18fda4c5ca595b ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-smp-2.6.8-24.8.nosrc.rpm 451d4c51a5d4083b4e663913bb53e622 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-bigsmp-2.6.8-24.8.nosrc.rpm 292bc1aab35f113099765e01f5c87b8e ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/kernel-um-2.6.8-24.8.nosrc.rpm 32aeaea2ff952d83cfd2cf94b1358d33 ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2/rpm/src/um-host-install-initrd-1.0-48.3.src.rpm bc079272affb6c4a444ff0eed5668c58 Saludos, Juan
Oído cocina, en cuanto tenga un rato (y me atreva) me pongo con lo del kernel. A ver si así puedo reinstalar con ACPI activado y puedo apagar el ordenador normalmente, sin darle al botón gordo cuando se desmonta todo el sistema. De todas maneras, ¡ya he resuelto lo de la grabadora! Al final era una chorrada, tenía la secuencia de arranque como sigue: floppy-cd rom-hard disk. La he cambiado a floppy-hard disk-cd rom y solucionado, ya reconoce la grabadora (si alguien me puede explicar por qué pasa eso, que me lo diga). Bueno, gracias. PD: otro problema resuelto gracias a la lista, sois unos cracks. --- Juan Erbes <jerbes@arnet.com.ar> escribió:
Gerardo Serrano wrote:
Hola, después de que me ayudaseis a recuperar mi SuSE 9.2 x86_64 tras desactivar ACPI, me he puesto con el tema de conseguir rescatar mi grabadora de DVD. He reinstalado el sistema con ACPI disabled y va muy bien, pero mi grabadora sigue sin encontrarla. Ayer se me ocurrió arrancar pasándole al inicio pci=noacpi y ¡voilà! ahí estaba la grabadora (me la reconocía como grabadora de CD, pero el caso es que estaba). Cuando vuelvo a arrancar sin poner ese parámetro, pues nada. A ver si alguien me podría decir cómo hacer que SuSE reconozca mi grabadora.
Actualiza el kernel a la ultima versión de SuSE, y probablemente lo soluciones (salió ayer). Ten cuidado con la creación del symlink de /boot/initrd y que este apunta al que corresponde al kernel nuevo. Verificalo bien antes de reiniciar.
SUSE Linux 9.2: - The kernel installation routines did not call depmod for the modules in the -nongpl RPMs, so they could not be loaded. This lead to non working USB modem drivers and similar. This problem was fixed.
- A Problem with mounting iPods over FireWire was fixed.
- A data corruption problem in the megaraid driver was fixed.
- A pageattr overflow condition in the memory subsystem and missing TLB flush if multiple pages were passed were fixed.
- Allow reading from zeropage with O_DIRECT/rawio.
- Do not restart the system on ACPI events after power down. (Make it no longer start on opening the lid of just shutdown laptops for instance.)
- New memory imbalance handling handling by Andrea leading to better Out Of Memory (OOM) handling was added.
2) solution/workaround
Please install the fixed packages, there is no workaround.
3) special instructions and notes
SPECIAL INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: ============================== The following paragraphs will guide you through the installation process in a step-by-step fashion. The character sequence "****" marks the beginning of a new paragraph. In some cases, the steps outlined in a particular paragraph may or may not be applicable to your situation. Therefore, please make sure to read through all of the steps below before attempting any of these procedures. All of the commands that need to be executed are required to be run as the superuser (root). Each step relies on the steps before it to complete successfully.
**** Step 1: Determine the needed kernel type
Please use the following command to find the kernel type that is installed on your system:
rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz
Following are the possible kernel types (disregard the version and build number following the name separated by the "-" character)
k_deflt # default kernel, good for most systems. k_i386 # kernel for older processors and chip sets k_athlon # kernel made specifically for AMD Athlon(tm) family processors k_psmp # kernel for Pentium-I dual processor systems k_smp # kernel for SMP systems (Pentium-II and above) k_smp4G # kernel for SMP systems which supports a maximum of 4G of RAM kernel-64k-pagesize kernel-bigsmp kernel-default kernel-smp
**** Step 2: Download the package for your system
Please download the kernel RPM package for your distribution with the name as indicated by Step 1. The list of all kernel rpm packages is appended below. Note: The kernel-source package does not contain a binary kernel in bootable form. Instead, it contains the sources that the binary kernel rpm packages are created from. It can be used by administrators who have decided to build their own kernel. Since the kernel-source.rpm is an installable (compiled) package that contains sources for the linux kernel, it is not the source RPM for the kernel RPM binary packages.
The kernel RPM binary packages for the distributions can be found at the locations below ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/.
8.1/rpm/i586 8.2/rpm/i586 9.0/rpm/i586 9.1/rpm/i586 9.2/rpm/i586
After downloading the kernel RPM package for your system, you should verify the authenticity of the kernel rpm package using the methods as listed in section 3) of each SUSE Security Announcement.
**** Step 3: Installing your kernel rpm package
Install the rpm package that you have downloaded in Steps 3 or 4 with the command rpm -Uhv --nodeps --force <K_FILE.RPM> where <K_FILE.RPM> is the name of the rpm package that you downloaded.
Warning: After performing this step, your system will likely not be able to boot if the following steps have not been fully followed.
If you run SUSE LINUX 8.1 and haven't applied the kernel update (SUSE-SA:2003:034), AND you are using the freeswan package, you also need to update the freeswan rpm as a dependency as offered by YOU (YaST Online Update). The package can be downloaded from
**** Step 4: configuring and creating the initrd
The initrd is a ramdisk that is loaded into the memory of your system together with the kernel boot image by the bootloader. The kernel uses the content of this ramdisk to execute commands that must
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participants (3)
Gerardo Serrano
Juan Erbes