8 Dec
8 Dec
* Karl-Heinz Holtschmit (khh@wdev.org) [011207 17:20]:
El administrador de la lista puede moderar a este usuario Usualmente, mandan spam una sola vez, sabiendo que seran bloqueados
No creo que lo vuelva hacer, pero puede pasar
[sorry for the English, my Spanish is pretty bad] Was there spam or something that made it to the list? If you ever notice anything that falls outside of what's described as acceptable content for the list (as defined in the info retrieved with a mail to suse-linux-s-info@suse.com) please let ml-admin@suse.com know as soon as possible so we can block them. Likewise, I'm fairly brutal with vacation messages and other auto-responses being sent to subscribers. Feel free to write in Spanish, -- -ckm