-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 El 2006-02-28 a las 14:55 +0100, miquel. escribió:
En esta url http://www.suseforums.net/lofiversion/index.php/t15851.html me parece entender que se describe un problema parecido al mio y que la solucion podria ser acpi=off como opcion de carga. Pero creo que acpi se refiere a la gestion de energia y no veo que relacion tiene con la tarjeta de red.
Bastante: ] ] http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:General_Information_concerning_ACPI_Support ] ... ] The previous power management standards were APM and PNPBIOS. The new ] standard is called ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ] specification), and is praised as the successor of APM and PNPBIOS. ] Additional features of ACPI include the description of the hardware ] (CPU, bus, ...) as well as some additional minor jobs beyond the power ] management. Furthermore, the APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt ] Controller) is another technology for the interrupt management. ] Unfortunately, the similarity of the abbreviations is rather ] confusing. - -- Saludos Carlos Robinson -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.76 iD8DBQFEBOYHtTMYHG2NR9URAqXRAJ9wR5PZzITWf5vWFUYLuz62gOIBwACfQnbD 1LpzJ8EbXNuNxqZzxS8rDOI= =C/Kg -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----