[Fwd: Announcing Project ICGnu - free ICQ replacement]
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 13:06:29 +0200 From: Nils Jeppe <n.jeppe@schickler-gruppe.de> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; I) To: nils@work.de Subject: [Fwd: Announcing Project ICGnu - free ICQ replacement] X-Status:
Path: news-reader.dortmund.de.uu.net!main.de.uu.net!fu-berlin.de!masternews.telia. net!news-stkh.gip.net!news.gsl.net!gip.net!newsfeed1.funet.fi! .MISMATCH!news.helsinki.fi!not-for-mail From: March the Mad Scientist <kennric@goodnet.com> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: Announcing Project ICGnu - free ICQ replacement Followup-To: comp.os.linux.misc Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 12:53:23 GMT Organization: Starnet Approved: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov (Mikko Rauhala) Message-ID: <pycola.896446404.19854@laulujoutsen.pc.helsinki.fi> NNTP-Posting-Host: laulujoutsen.pc.helsinki.fi Old-Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 12:43:55 -0700 X-No-Archive: yes X-Auth: PGPMoose V1.1 PGP comp.os.linux.announce iQCVAgUBNW6vxFrUI/eHXJZ5AQFCbQP/XNtK4m64rmuF0nB3NRJCDXW2vanaeBim GP/w8xGccxMThZLaGodXD587q4QSCkk05oKOmWW+DrkHuP6eH6w9eoWzW0jNW23z wMvgIc7B23Hd4dPZlLa0SBoc8aXNg6PQwwrLyck3olgAebY2E6UsmGBGd7+I4bX6 s9FApjyPFsA= =I7Y6 Xref: news-reader.dortmund.de.uu.net comp.os.linux.announce:3472
I would like to announce the start of a project to develope an open replacement to the popular ICQ internet pager program. ICQ has become very popular as a way to contact friends on the internet, provide realtime chat and allowing network links to users with dynamic IP addresses. This idea agoes beyond the utility of IRC, talk, ping and finger, not only in the integration of the client and in communication between dynamic IP addresses, but in its potential to connect across all platforms and operating systems. The ICQ program does not live up to this potential. Moreover, ICQ has been bought by AOL, whose probable plan includes massive advertising and possibly a fee for the use of ICQ. Seeing the potential in a paging program that can overcome the problems of dynamic IP and widely varying platforms, and the probably commercial future of ICQ, I have founded the ICGnu project to create a free, cross platform pager which should eventually obviate the need for ICQ, not only in the world of Free Unix, but on all possible platforms, including MS Windows.
The project is in its earliest, formative stages. We need programmers, both for a GUI front-end and for the guts of the application. Currently we wish to develope a stand alone base program in C which can run on the command line, and concurrently a GUI front end in GTK, Tcl/Tk, or any other appropriate toolkit. The backend and frontend should remain seperate, and we encourage the developement of several different front-ends, providing a range of looks and feels.
A small web page is up describing the goals and basic idea of the project at <A HREF="http://www.azstarnet.com/~kennric/icgnu.html"><A HREF="http://www.azstarnet.com/~kennric/icgnu.html</A">http://www.azstarnet.com/~kennric/icgnu.html</A</A>> A mailing list should become available when and if enough developers express an interest.
Please email me at kennric@azstarnet.com to express your interest, or just comment on the idea.
Thanks, Kenneth Lett
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