----- Original Message ----- From: Peter Rettig <maillist@dellsoft.de> To: <suse-linux@suse.de> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 9:23 AM Subject: Windows - XServer als Freeware
gibt es fuer Windows einen Freeware XServer? Wo kann man sich naehere Infos hierfuer beschaffen?
Ciao Peter
MIX server für Windows XY läuft etwas hakelig ist aber brauchbar Q: Is MI/X really free? A: Yes. No strings attached. MicroImages does retain a copyright on it, however. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Why is it really free? A: MicroImages gains name recognition and good will. MicroImages maintains MI/X as the X Server for its professional TNT image processing, geospatial data management, and desktop cartography products. In order to make the TNT products work exactly the same on all Windows, Macintosh and UNIX computers, MicroImages needed a robust and stable X Server whose future was not in the hands of some other company. (MicroImages also enjoys the irony that some ARC/INFO users will run our competitor's product on our free X Server.) _________________________________________________________________ Q: How can I get a copy of MI/X? A: You can download it from MicroImages' FTP site, or from mirror sites. The URL to download MI/X from MicroImages' FTP site in Lincoln, NE U.S.A. is: ftp://ftp.microimages.com:4021/pub/mix/mix68k.sit.hqx (for MacOs 68xxx) ftp://ftp.microimages.com:4021/pub/mix/mixppc.sit.hqx (for MacOS PPC) --> http://www.microimages.com in the "Free Stuff" section. Currently, MicroImages has an Australasian mirror for the MacOS files only. You can download MI/X from this mirror with the two following URLs: ftp://ftp.unsw.edu.au/pub/mac/comm/microimages-x-server-ppc.hqx ftp://ftp.unsw.edu.au/pub/mac/comm/microimages-x-server-68k.hqx Gruß Jürgen Dyckerhoff -------------------------------- "When they knock on your front door. How you gonna come? With the hands on your head or on the trigger of your gun?" Guns of Brixton, The Clash --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: suse-linux-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands, e-mail: suse-linux-help@suse.com