26 Apr
26 Apr
Stephan Papst wrote:
Achja kann es sein das es daran liegt das mein Mail Provider das SMTP after POP Verfahren verlangt? Wenn ja wie richte ich das ein?
Aus dem KMail-Handbuch - FAQ: 6.27. My SMTP server requires authentication. Does KMail support it? There are two common techniques used for SMTP authentication: "SMTP after POP3" and "SMTP Auth". "SMTP Auth" can be set in the General tab of the SMTP configuration dialog. To use "SMTP after POP3" you have to collect all your messages in the outbox and send them just after you have fetched new mail. Also gar nicht, sondern von Hand. Peter -- Falls dir meine Antwort nicht passt -> hast du http://www.lugbz.org/documents/smart-questions_de.html gelesen und befolgt?