Hallo, On Oct 8 11:50 Karl Sinn wrote (shortened):
"lpstat -h localhost -r" sagt: "Scheduler wird ausgeführt"
Wenn dann die hübschen graphichen Druckerkonfigurationstools nicht funktionieren (ich konnte hier leider keine Ursache finden), dann per Kommandozeile versuchen, vergl. "Command-line Tools" in http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:CUPS_in_a_Nutshell und siehe als Hintergrundinfo z.B. auch in http://en.opensuse.org/Archive:YaST_Printer_redesign ------------------------------------------------------------------ How to set up a print queue in full compliance with CUPS: Retrieve autodetected printers and their correct matching DeviceURIs from the cupsd: Run "lpinfo -l -v" (or get the exact same information via appropriate CUPS library calls). Retrieve available printer driver descriptions from the cupsd: Run "lpinfo -l -m" (or get the exact same information via appropriate CUPS library calls). Let the user select a printer/DeviceURI from the first list and a printer driver from the second list and let the user supply an arbitrary queue name. Set up the queue: Run "lpadmin -p queue_name -v DeviceURI -m printer_driver -E" (or do exactly the same via appropriate CUPS library calls). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Also: 1. # lpinfo -v -> passende DeviceURI rausuchen und merken 2. # lpinfo -m | grep -i ip4300 -> passende PPD Datei rausuchen und Pfad merken 3. # lpadmin -p testwarteschlange -v <DeviceURI> \ -P /usr/share/cups/model/Pfad/zur/PPD_Datei.ppd.gz \ -E 4. Testdruck: # echo Hello | lp -d testwarteschlange 5. Ggf. nun /var/log/cups/error_log inspizieren, vergl. "If problems are encountered" in http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:CUPS_in_a_Nutshell Gruß Johannes Meixner -- SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany AG Nuernberg, HRB 16746, GF: Markus Rex