Am Samstag, 3. Mai 2003 14:44 schrieb Christian Andersson:
On Saturday 03 May 2003 10:05, Juergen Bertram wrote:
Fehlermeldung nach: rcquota start =========================== dachs:/ # rcquota start Turning on quota quotaon: using /home/aquota.user on /dev/hdb2 [/home]: Kein passender Prozess gefunden quotaon: Quota format not supported in kernel. failed dachs:/ #
dachs:/ # modinfo quota modinfo: quota: no module by that name found dachs:/ #
I've solved this problem by loading the quota_v2 module. I guess it was compiled into the kernel in previous versions of SuSE.
Add 'quota_v2' to the INITRD_MODULES variable in /etc/sysconfig/kernel, run mk_initrd and reboot your machine, and it will probably work as you'd expect.
Hi, yes it does, great! Quota's running now, as I can see in lsmod, tnx. Is quotad required for that? It will not work. CU jb