David Haller:
Ist die Aenderung eigentlich prominent dokumentiert, z.B. in 'help trap'?
Erster Teil davon: trap: trap [-lp] [arg signal_spec ...] The command ARG is to be read and executed when the shell receives signal(s) SIGNAL_SPEC. If ARG is absent (and a single SIGNAL_SPEC is supplied) or `-', each specified signal is reset to its original value. If ARG is the null string each SIGNAL_SPEC is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. If a SIGNAL_SPEC is EXIT (0) the command ARG is executed on exit from the shell. If a SIGNAL_SPEC is DEBUG, ARG is executed after every simple command. If the`-p' option is supplied then the trap commands associated with each SIGNAL_SPEC are displayed. If no arguments are supplied or if only `-p' is given, trap prints the list of commands associated with each signal. Each SIGNAL_SPEC is either a signal name in <signal.h> or a signal number. Signal names are case insensitive and the SIG prefix is optional. `trap -l' prints a list of signal names and their corresponding numbers. Note that a signal can be sent to the shell with "kill -signal $$".
Ist ne ueble Falle wenn man eben auf aeltere Scripte wie das 'Makeself' generierte trifft (und einen die Checksumme die Korrektur auch schwer macht)...
Da muss man sich halt mit pdksh etc. behelfen, wie du ja schon schriebst. Philipp