Hi! Trying to kill the keyboard, harry_rueter@gmx.de produced:
ISDN,2 Devices ippp0,ippp1,mit Yast instaliert und zwei somit Provider-Verbindungen eingerichtet.
Was ist nun mit den Nameservern ? Da jeder Provider verschiedene Nameserver hat muss ich ja auch verschiedene resolv.conf-Dateien haben,oder ?
man ipppd ms-get-dns Implements the client side of RFC1877. If pppd is acting as a client to a server that implements RFC1877 such as one intended to be used with Microsoft Windows clients, this option allows pppd to obtain one or two DNS (Domain Name Server) addresses from the server. It does not do anything with these addresses except put them in the envi ronment (MS_DNS1 MS_DNS2) that is passed to scripts. The /etc/ppp/ip-up script should use this information to perform whatever adjustment is nec essary. Note: RFC1877 is a horrible protocol lay ering violation, the correct approach would be to use DHCP after the IPCP phase. Musst also nur noch 5 Zeilen Script in ip-up/ip-down basteln. Ach so, unter ppp heisst das usepeerdns (siehe ip-up/ip-down). -Wolfgang --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: suse-linux-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands, e-mail: suse-linux-help@suse.com