Am 19.06.2006 16:11 schrieb Timothy Kesten: [CPU-Temperatur auslesen] Ich hänge mich hier mal dran, nachdem ich, angestachelt durch diesen Thread, auch mal sensors+ksensors ausprobiert habe. Klappt super, aber nur unter 10.1. Da kann ich die beiden "richtigen Temperaturen" (keine Ahnung was die dritte ist, und wo die angeblich mißt) im Systemtray anzeigen lassen. Unter Suse 9.3 geht das nicht. Unterschiedlich ist nur die Version von Sensors, die ksensors ist gleich: Suse 10.1: sensors-2.10.0-10 Suse 9.3: sensors-2.9.0-3.1 Also hab ich versucht eine aktuelle Version für die 9.3 zu finden. Aber ich bin gescheitert. Das 10.1er src.rpm lässt sich nicht per "rpmbuild --rebuild" in ein rpm umwandeln, da sysfsutils fehlt:
rpmbuild --rebuild sensors-2.10.0-10.src.rpm Installing sensors-2.10.0-10.src.rpm error: Failed build dependencies: sysfsutils is needed by sensors-2.10.0-10
Also nach sysfsutils gesucht, nicht gefunden, also 10.1er src.rpm genommen, da kommt dann:
rpm -Uvh sysfsutils-1.3.0-14.i586.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] file /lib/ from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/dlist_test from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_bus_devices_list from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_class_dev from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_classdev_parent from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_device from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_driver from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/systool from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/write_attr from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/include/sysfs/dlist.h from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/include/sysfs/libsysfs.h from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/lib/libsysfs.a from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/lib/ from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/lib/ from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-14 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4
Also, 10.0er src.rpm gesucht, versucht das zu bauen, ging, aber auch hier:
rpm -Uvh sysfsutils-1.3.0-3.i586.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] file /lib/ from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/dlist_test from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_bus_devices_list from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_class_dev from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_classdev_parent from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_device from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/get_driver from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/systool from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/testlibsysfs from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/bin/write_attr from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/include/sysfs/dlist.h from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/include/sysfs/libsysfs.h from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/lib/libsysfs.a from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/lib/ from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4 file /usr/lib/ from install of sysfsutils-1.3.0-3 conflicts with file from package udev-053-15.4
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: Gibt es die Version 2.10.0-10 von sensors irgendwo für meine 9.3? OJ -- "Der Mississippi ist sehr, sehr launenhaft. Ich hab den Wasserspiegel einmal so sehr steigen und wieder fallen sehen, dass die Fische einen Augenblick in der Luft standen und sich beim Runterfallen ins ausge- trockneten Flussbett die Kiemen verrenkt haben" (Lucky Luke, Band 20)